We will help protect those you love.

Our Life Insurance allows you the peace of mind of knowing that your family will be provided money to pay for remaining financial needs.

We will help protect those you love.

Our Life Insurance allows you the peace of mind of knowing that your family will be provided money to pay for remaining financial needs.


Creamer Insurance Agency, Inc offers comprehensive life insurance policies for every stage of life.

  • You get married
  • You have a child
  • You become a homeowner
  • You change jobs (a good time to reevaluate your coverage to adjust for increased spending)
  • You recently retired or plan to retire in the next year
  • You are a single person caring for a parent or sibling
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You should consider immediate, ongoing, and future expenses that will occur and/or become due upon your death. These include funeral costs, uncovered medical expenses, and any outstanding debt such as car loans or mortgage payments.

Ongoing expenses include all the cost of living areas for surviving family members, and college or retirement for children and your spouse. Creamer Insurance Agency, Inc in Cedar City will help you choose a customized life insurance plan to meet your current and potential future needs. Some policies also have a living benefit, meaning there will be significant funds available prior to an actual death in the event of a diagnosed Terminal Illness.

Please download our Life Happens Booklet to help you determine how much and what type of life insurance coverage you may need. Call or stop by our office and we’ll be glad to assist.
